Monday, January 16, 2012


assalaimualaikum. wohoo lg skali blog nih berhabuk. fuh fuh. hehe. ok, alhamdulillah im 21 now. 21 ok. mcm da besar sgt rasa. hikhik. and org yg wish ramai btol yg doakan cepat2 kawen. amboi, umor 21 je da bole kawen la ye? hahaha. nothing special bout this year birthday cause im stuck in the middle of examination. ops final examination. what im really happy is that my friends did not forget my birthday. hihi thank youuuuu for all yg wish. not to forget my good friends, my housemate, my gadohmate, my luahan rasa mate, my advisor, my tiger, my teacher, my the only 1 sister i have. happy birthday to you too. we share the same date. hehhe. hebat kan mak n abah B) okaayyyy saya tgh cuti sem sampai awal bulan 2. yahooooooo ! hehe okay lah will update later, BYE ! ;)

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