hye guys.hehe.asslamualaikum. alhamdulillah, thank you to Allah for giving me a chance to post this entry again and to live in this world. yes, im ready to say that im old enough. HAHA :D there are my friends yg baru nak rase umor 19. HAHA. ok, from now on, please alert me n remind me that im not in teen neighbourhood anymore.hihi.please act like a 20s ain ! :) ohh ya i would like to thanks to all my friends yg wish my birthday. doesnt matter la lmbt ke cepat ke kan. janji wish . hehe. thank youuuuuuuuu again guys.much appreciated :) haa yesterday, on my birthday ade test account. mmg jeles btol la kan. org nak hepy2 ttbe ade test palk. but nevermind laa.hehe. tp kannn saye x bole jwb. emm x balance pon :( mybe excited sgt kot jwb test time birthday sendri. haha. mmg cam blur sgt. tp ade la yg dpt buat. emm xpe la kan . bende da jadi :) emm what more ek? ohh time kol 12 am on 14 jan 2 kan. mcm bese laa kan . roomate2 saye ni mmg kreatif btol bab kenekan org nihh. ade ke dorg g tepek bedakk kat saye. aishhh saba je laa. but they are the best lah ! love them ! :))) n yg mmg suke kwn ngan dorg ni kan sbb kite bole ckppp je ape2. x kesa la nak ejek ke ckp bende burok2 kee dorg still ok. but, please jgn puji dorg haha. for me susah kot nak dpt kwn cam 2 kan. sometimes 2 ade yg terase laa itu la ini laa. tp yg dorg ni mmg x ! hehhe.sekian, trima kaseh :)

tehee..memg semangat bday.
bubye 9teen! hepy belated!
thank youuuu :) <3
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