date: 27 august 1010
place: giant n chicken rice shop, nilai techenta
ok, i MET them :

miss them very much lah.
me and anis are studying at uia.
they are student from usim.
although our campus is near, to meet all together is very difficult la
because we are busy with studying.
this tyme, 27 august 2010, we meet and break fast together.
thanx to them for coming to uia hehe.
we went to giant jalan kaki je ok.
that is the first and the last tyme i''ll go to giant jalan kaki.
hahha :DD
but it is worth laa coz while walking we got to sembang2 with each other
hope we can get this chance once again with many more our friends
it must be havoc and happening.
hehe :D
P/s: lovemyfriendsverymuch :)

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