Thursday, February 24, 2011


gangguan emosi. grrrrrr. ehh penat la kan asek kite je nak jage ati org . tp org xpenah nak kisah ati kite. yeekkkk !! geram gile ! hee jgn emo ain. ilek suda. sok ade exam statistics n account. hope dpt study dgn tenang n esok dpt jwb dgn mudah InsyaAllah (:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

jodoh :)

tibe2 je nak post pasal nih. emm kalo rajin sile lah baci link ni ye :) Bercerita Tentang Jodoh

Friday, February 18, 2011


im alone at my room. emm all my roomates has gone back to their heaven :) and i ohh x rase nak balik plak mggu nih. emm i dont have any idea what i want to post today. emmm exam is over for this week. next week ade lg statistics n test account, please pray for me anyone there :) dont know why but currently i feel lonely :(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hoi awak

ehhh pelik laa. lame dah awak x msg saye kan. nape ehh? ade yg xkene ke yee. emm. ohh msti awok sibok kan bekerja. almaklumlaa awak kan manager bahaha :pppppp p/s: tiada kene mengena dgn sesiape yg masih idop atau yg tlh meninggal dunia ok :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

aku lebih bahagia tanpau kauu la hingus .yewwww. hahaha. emm batok+seseme makin menjadi2 pulok dahh.n yg paling x tahan nye kan mlm2 kene tido tenganga sbb xbley benafas ekot idong. HAHA. ohh td da pegi clinic uia dengn trah n muni. sgt3 kesian n rase besalah gile kat trah sbb die pon da bejangkit seseme. hmm die pon da sok sek sok sek da dekat klas. haha. muni tggu mase je la kamuuu hihihi :p k laa mau solat magrib. kalo ade org yg bace nihh doa2kan la hingus nihh pegi yee hee :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

return and go

yesterday, i joined myself with my kundang's friends. long time no see them. haha. miss them so much lah. we gather at mastura's house. the main causes are because to meet mastura before she fly to sydney.*eh btol ke ek ? emm rase nye btol kot :p hee rase janggal lak bile ngn dorg. sbb da lammeee gile xjumpe. so, good luck to mastura. have a safe journey on tuesday. tace care urself my dear :) then story bout amiruddin. he is one of my friends who currently studying at tanta university, mesir kot.heee. alhamdulillah, he has return back to malaysia dgn selamat. ohh actually, he come back to malaysia with his own expenditure. thats why la die cpt sampai sini. so kitorg jumpe la die kat umah mastura and he told us bout the rusuhan kat mesir 2. emm die pun takot apetah lg kawan2 pompuan yg kat sane kan. ok, good luck for mas and welcome back amiruddin :) hopefully, kawan2 yang xsampai malaysia lg 2 dorg selamat. ade jugak yg da sampai jeddah kan. so alhamdulillah. yg x dpt ke jeddah lg byk kan saba ok . insyAllah, byk2 doa then Allah akan bantu.* baru perasan, ramai jugak kwn aku yg kat bumi ambiya' ye. bile la aku dpt peg . heee :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

emm let us pray for those malaysian yg kat friends especially, hope they are safe.and also hope that they have a safe journey and return to malaysia dgn selamat mudah2an insyAllah :)