yarr even though this thing have been done a long time ago.*xde la long sgt pon. if i not mistaken, it was on 30 august and it is fasting month.i dont have much time to post about it but now, i have enough time.hehe.we went to THAI STEAMBOAT restaurant at giant.it was awesome memory !there are 8 person included me who are farahiyah,trah,amalina,azzianna,muni,najwa,nani n me again.hehe :) we went there by farah's car. hehe. thanx God she has a car on that time.if no, we have to go there by taxi, as usual.hihi.so, let these photos talk to you :)

something yg mmg xley lupe la kan.time saye ngan trah terjatohkan emm ape name die ek. fish cake kot.hahah.time 2 plak saye TER jerit n then sume pandang.haha.merah gleeeerrr muke trah sbb malu.hehehhe.but this is the best thing ever . miss this moment :) tq.